What printer should I buy?


I spent many hours checking online material: buyer guides, forums and blogs to decide which printer should I buy, my friend goggle always making me an expert in few hours.

After my search with my last $600 in my bank account, I ended up with two questions: what do I want to print? and how much do I know about this technology ?.

1.- Build size.- This is the maximum dimensions you will get for your 3D model. More or less you will find 200mm. x 200mm. x 200mm. in the market for that budget.

2.-Layer resolution.- This is equivalent to pixels with cameras, an important parameter  that you might need to check before to print something artistic or with small mechanical tolerances.  Although some experts claim that more microns doesn’t mean better quality necessarily and all depends on your printer configurations and your geometry, you might want to check this article  Microns in 3D prints.

3.-Be respectful with a new technology.- Fumes and heat are not something to play without any precautions. If you have kids you might want to go with something enclosed and make sure you have a ventilated room.

4.-Warranty and support.- It is better to have someone in your town for technical support, you can also check YouTube for some tutorials to assembly your own printer (kit which is less expensive). It is better if the seller is located in your town since printers don’t come with IKEA instructions.

Next chapter…

Buying the printer

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